Beginner's Guide to C1D2
Class 1 Division 2, or C1D2, is one of the most important factors to consider when looking for rugged tablets to use in hazardous industries. Any electronics being used in a potentially dangerous environment or around flammable hazards must be C1D2 certified to prevent dangerous explosions and ensure worker safety. But what exactly does C1D2 mean and how do you know if your operation needs certified tablets?
What is C1D2?
Simply put, C1D2 is a safety rating system that dictates what technology is permissible and safe to use in hazardous environments. This means under a worse-case scenario, a malfunctioning, certified tablet will not ignite the substance on or around it.
The North American classifications are broken down into classes, divisions, groups, and temperature codes. The classifications are complex and can be confusing, yet it’s vital to know what these ratings mean and how they affect the technology in your workplace.
There are two classes of safety ratings: non-incendive and intrinsically safe. The former rating certifies a device as incapable of generating enough heat, energy, or spark to cause an ignition or explosion while under normal conditions. The latter certifies a device incapable of ignition even in abnormal or faulty conditions.
- Class 1 - Flammable vapors or gases; further divided into Groups A-D.
- Class 2 - Combustible and electrically conductive dust is present; further divided into Groups E-G.
- Class 3 - Fibers and flyings; this is a singular designation and is not subdivided into Groups.
The divisions signify how often those hazards are present:
- Division 1 – Hazardous material is present during normal operating conditions, and indicates a hazardous condition is expected to exist all or most of the time.
- Division 2 – Hazardous material is present in abnormal conditions, such as system or container failures, leaks or ruptures. A hazardous condition is not expected to always exist, only under unusual conditions.
These classes and divisions are paired depending on what the hazard is and how often it’s present. For example, C1D1 represents hazardous gas present during normal working conditions, while C1D2 signifies the presence of hazardous gases present only under abnormal circumstances.
- Groups A-D: Gases and Vapors
- Group A – Only to acetylene
- Group B – Hydrogen and similar gases
- Group C – Ether, ethyl, ethylene, and similar gases
- Group D – Gasoline, acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, methanol, and propane
Groups E-G: Dusts
- Group E – Aluminum, magnesium, and other conductive combustible metal dusts and alloys from these materials
- Group F – Coal, charcoal, carbon black, and other carbon type dusts
- Group G – Flour and sugar dust, starch, wood, plastics, composites, other organic and synthetic dust compounds and dust from chemically derived materials
Temperature Codes
A device’s temperature ratings specify the maximum surface operating temperature of the device. A temperature code shows the suitability of a device for use with various materials according to its ignition temperature.
Where is the C1D2 Certification Needed?
The short answer is anywhere that potentially explosive gasses, vapors, dust, or fibers are present or could be present. That would include chemical plants, oil and gas refineries, paint shops, cleaning facilities, mills, flour silos, mining, and loading facilities for flammable gases, liquids, and solids.
How MobileDemand Can Help
MobileDemand offers a C1D2 certified tablet designed specifically for work in hazardous environments. Our award-winning xTablet T1680 is certified as Class 1 Division 2 Groups A-D, Code T4. This non-incentive, heavy-duty rugged tablet was built from the ground up to be fully sealed from dust and water and does not emit electrical sparks or have any hot surfaces.
Employee safety must be a top priority in your operations, otherwise you risk more than just product or facility damage. Not providing appropriate equipment could lead to costly worker compensation and lack of regulatory compliance can lead to hefty audit fees by OSHA.
By knowing your class and division rating and by adhering to the technology designed specifically for that rating, you are protecting both your workers and your bottom line. Contact us or call 319-363-4121 to learn more about this important certification.