Industry Insights

5 Ways Rugged Tablets Streamline Health Checks | MobileDemand

Written by MobileDemand | Aug 5, 2020 4:28:00 PM

With businesses and healthcare offices slowly beginning to allow customers back in, many organizations are making the choice to implement 'health' checks for their employees and customers or patients upon entrance to the facility. These screenings may include checking temperature and pulse oximetry, as well as a questionnaire about general health, recent travel, or potential exposure. 

These screenings, while essential to maintain health and safety, may be time consuming and inefficient. Thankfully, MobileDemand's rugged xTablets can help to streamline this process with these key features: 

1. Mountable

With our patented Snap Mount System, your tablet can easily switch from being mounted on a cart or IV stand, to the palm of you or your customer's hands. The quick release, snap mount plate allows you to instantly transition from the mount, where you may be checking a customer's temperature, to their hands so they can complete the questionnaire. 

2. Space-saving

Large health check stations complete with tables, desks, and monitors can be avoided by using a tablet. These handheld devices will allow businesses to save space, which is crucial to ensure proper social distancing. As many facility layouts are being re-worked to accommodate for social distancing, saving the space that would have been needed for a table or desk will be extremely helpful during the re-design. 

3. Thermal Cameras

One of the key components of the Covid-19 screening is taking a person's temperature. Thermal cameras, which detect a person's temperature without having to come in contact with the person being checked, can be easily attached to our rugged tablets and cases via USB or wirelessly via Bluetooth, maintaining social distancing. It is important to remember that temperature should not be the only symptom tested, as some people may carry the virus without showing this particular symptom. 

4. Rugged

Each of our rugged tablet cases are made with protective plastic and rubber bumpers on each corner to ensure the device's safety, even when dropped. Be rest assured that the device will not be affected by the impact or shock of a drop, and is protected from liquid spills and dust. 

5. Large Screen

The large screen makes it easier for patients to view questionaries during the check-in process and enables providers to easily view patient history. 

While frequent health screenings are important to keeping your workers and customers safe, MobileDemand also strongly recommends following CDC guidelines. These include frequent handwashing, wearing a mask or face guard, practicing social distancing by staying at least six feet away from others, limiting non-essential errands, and staying home if you feel sick.